Wilkes, S.C.

To Lady Olivia Sparrow, 27 March [1817]

I should regret your absence too, but that Mr. Wilkes told me yesterday what great good you were doing where you are. Of that indeed I was persuaded bef[ore] [tear] A propos of Wilkes. Have you seen his 'Christi[an] [tear] Essays'.* They only reached me last night, so that I have had only time to read the last Essay in the first Volume which is an excellent Review of the character and death of my dear old friend .* If you approve the work after reading it, I hope you will recommend it. I hear – goes abroad next week, and that he has been again much indisposed – I am truly sorry, but cannot help feeling nhow on this, as on all other occasions, all things work together for good to them that love God.