Barnard, Mrs

Hannah More to William Wilberforce

and all of you must have thought me if not “rather a kind of imposter”, yet rather a kind of a brute not to have written a word since we parted, so kind as you all were to me! But I know how you are overdone with writing and I spare you every unnecessary line. To speak the truth I have been a little worked myself and for the few last days have been confined to my bed by one of my feverish colds; I am sitting up a little to day but not in very good writing plight having a blister on my back as broad as face. I wonder if I shall ever see that said little William? – To thank you over-warmly for your feeling and affectionate letter would be to imply that it was possible I coud have suspected your large liberality and considerate kindness. I shall obey you by dedicating Mrs. Barnards kind legacy to the purchase of a post Chaise, and her Annuity to the maintaining it. I hope I shall keep within the limits of your allowance. Any two periods of the year it will be the same to me to receive it. Christmas and Midsummer are my usual grand seasons, but if a Month or two or three later will suit you better, I can manage as I shall have some money of my own to take.